- Ideally, all clients should made their booking before arrival. You can do your booking on-line on our web-site, via whatsupp, telephone, email or social media messaging. We will contact you to formalize your booking ASAP.
- After confirming your booking, you will automatically receive a form to fill and send back to us.
- A 1,5m distance must be kept with people who are not from your household. Up to 3 divers can share the same room. Wearing a mask is required at all times.
- Non-diving friends or family members who come with you must stay in the outside area of the diving center.
- Wearing a mask is compulsory. We have masks available in our dive center in case you forget to bring one. We recommend to bring a bag to keep your mask dry and safe when boat diving.
- Each person must use the disinfectant gels at the entrance of the centre. There are dispensers in the center and in each van. Disinfect yourself before and after touching scuba gear and after diving.
- You must use hand sanitizer upon arrival and also before and after using the diving equipment. Hand sanitizer is available at the dive center.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water for at least 40 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
- Try to avoid touching your face.
- Avoid physical contact to other people i.e. shaking hands or hugging when greeting people. This includes the buddy check which will be done without touching. Simply watch your buddy while they show you the correct function of their diving equipment. A guide is always close to help in case of any questions.
- If you need to sneeze or cough, use the bend of your arm or into a tissue and then properly dispose of the tissue in a trash bin.
- The dive centre provides gloves in different sizes, if you need some on the dive site, please take a pair with you.
- During transport by Daivoon vehicle, it is obligatory to wear a face mask, since the safety distance can not be maintained. Whilst using Daivoon transport and to comply with Spain’s contact tracing requirements, we ask that customers use the same seat locations in our vehicles for both outbound and inbound journeys.
If you have a rental car we advise to meet us at the dive site directly. - It is not allowed to share equipment, especially regulators. Of course in an emergency situation things are different (a buddies octopus can be used, providing it has not been contaminated since disinfection). Buddies can´t share air to extend a dive, contact with other diver’s equipment has to be avoided.
- Each diver keeps their equipment and personal belongings in their diving bag (provided by the centre). Please only touch and use your diving bag. The instructors will help and assist.
- Don´t test breathe your alternate air source. Test purge it during checks, but leave it disinfected in case someone needs it.
- Please refrain from spitting into your mask. The centre supplies anti fog liquids.
- The recommended safety distance must be maintained between all persons at the dive site (also between other diving schools). For this reason we ask that divers take up as little space as possible on the dive site for their equipment and personal belongings.
- Divers must adhere to the instructions of Daivoon staff whilst loading or unloading the dive vehicles. We are required by new COVID-19 legislation to ensure that customers only handle there own equipment and personal belongings. This includes the loading and unloading of equipment, personal items, food & drink and the assembly and disassembly of equipment.
- We are obligated to clean and disinfect the centre every day and especially the toilets and surfaces a couple of times every day. For that reason the centre might be closed for a couple of minutes in between.
- We will provide you with individual beverages between dives. Each diver may bring their own drinks and/or snacks with them to the dive site.
It is not advised to share food or beverages amongst people who do not share the same living space. - Payment will be done via credit card or transfer if possible. We will accept cash as well if necessary, but highly recommend to use an electronic payment.
Please note, if you suffer from any of the symptoms related to COVID-19, we kindly ask that you refrain from approaching the Diving Centre: Fever, cough, tiredness or muscle pain, respiratory problems, sore throats, lung infections, headaches, loss of taste, diarrhoea.
- If you need to cancel because of symptoms of Corona virus, please don´t come to the centre. Simply call or send a message and we will refund any unused dives.
- Refunds or outstanding payments will be settled over the phone or online by card or bank transfer.